
Our activities can be divided into those organised on the International stage either by IABSE HQ in Zürich or by other National Groups, and those organised by the British Group.

[responsive]IABSE BG Swiss Tour[/responsive]Here in the UK, the British Group organises a variety of events to support and inform our members and encourage interaction between them. The menu varies to some extent each year, as we are open to suggestions for any suitable activity that members wish to organise, but the following are typical:

  • Annual LectureUsually held in May at the Instituion of Structural Engineers in London, this important and hugely popular lecture is always given a high profile by the invited speaker, often from overseas.
  • Milne Medal and LectureEach year we award the Milne Medal to recognise an outstanding individual engineering designer who then delivers a lecture, usually in November, also at the Institution of Structural Engineers.
  • Henderson ColloquiumHeld in Cambridge in July, with invited participants debating and important subject of topical relevance.
  • Future of Design: Formally known as the Young Engineers’ Conference, this one day event is aimed at encouraging and inspiring young engineers and other professional early in the their careers, and helping them to establish a network of contacts among their peers.
  • Journey to Success: An informal evening meeting and debate aimed at helping young members to consider possible future directions and career options.
  • Weekend Study Tour: A visit to study interesting and important structures, either in the UK or abroad. Always a lot of fun!
  • Occasional Site Visits: Visits to construction sites that can be organised by members whenever and wherever appropriate.

The British Group produces a regular newsletter distributed by email to each member which covers activities of British Group members.

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The flagship annual international event is the main conference, usually held in September each year. The event has built a reputation of excellence and is widely supported, attracting several hundred participants from all over the world as one of the most important international gatherings of structural engineers in the yearly calendar. Recent (and planned) annual conferences have been (will be) held as follows:

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Date Location Topic
2003 Antwerp Structure for High-Speed Railway Transportation
2004 Shanghai Metropolitan Habitats and Infrastructure
2005 Lisbon Structures and Extreme Events
2006 Budapest Responding to Tomorrow’s Challenges in Structural Engineering
2007 Weimer Improving Infrastructure Worldwide Bringing People Closer
2008 Chicago Creating and Renewing Urban Structures—Tall Buildings,
Bridges and Infrastructure
2009 Bangkok Sustainable Infrastructure- Environmentally Friendly, Safe and Resource Efficient
2010 Venice Large Structures and Infrastructures for Environmentally Constrained and Urbanised Areas
2011 London Taller, Longer, Lighter
2012 Seoul Innovative Infrastructures – Toward Human Urbanism
2013 Kolkata Long Span Bridges and Roofs – Development, Design and Implementation
2014 Madrid Engineering for Progress, Nature and People


These annual conferences include a full social and cultural programme and many members bring their partners to enjoy the convivial international gathering of friends and colleagues and perhaps combine it with a short holiday.

In addition IABSE also regularly holds and supports other international symposia and similar events through the National Groups. The Association actively explores specific aspects of structural engineering and related topics by the establishment of Working Commissions and Working Groups whose reports are authoritative and important technical publications.

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