Henderson Colloquium Papers
The Henderson Colloquium is usually held in Cambridge in July, with invited participants debating an important subject of topical relevance.

Prioritising sustainability and low carbon: overhauling procurement and the supply chain
Responding to Change
Climate Emergency
How can Structural Engineering be an Unending Stream of Goodness?
The Restoration and Preservation of Historic Structures
The Application of Appropriate Technology (Summary Paper)
Digital Design (Summary Paper)
Applying Lessons from Failures
Designing for construction
Structures for energy – challenges and opportunities
Performance based approach
Changes to structures with time
Lessons from design competitions
Factor 10 engineering for sustainable cities
Designing for the consequences of hazards*
Structural engineering for climate change*
Risk and liability*
Achieving design quality*
Making the most of our structures: a new outline
Learning from engineering history**
Development in the design of structures beyond 2000: balancing risk, whole-life cost and design life*
Behaviour and design of structures for serviceability conditions*
Structural engineering knowledge: the roles of research, education, publications and practice*
Containment structures: risk, safety and reliability*
Not held
Towards joint-free bridges
Stressed-skin building structures
New structural materials: crossing the threshold to application*
The design life of structures*
Not held
Euro engineering: Structures*
Rehabilitation and renovation*
Moveable structures*
Potential developments in structures for the future*
Instrumentation of structures*
History of structures*
The effective use of materials in structures*
Codes of practice: reform to decline*
Inspection and maintenance of structures*
Inspection and quality control*
Highway bridge loading [report and list of papers only]*
** held at the Institution of Civil Engineers library.
* held at the Institution of Structural Engineers library.