Future of Design

Future of Design is a conference which aims to inspire and celebrate the work of early career designers and engineers. It has been held twice annually for several years (and more recently online) and has featured networking, design and paper competitions, project case studies and talks from senior engineers and architects.
Leeds (10 April 2025)
University of Leeds
London (25 September 2024)
Imperial College
London (21 September 2023)
Imperial College
London (11 September 2020)
Held online
Manchester (17 April 2020)
Held online
London (13 September 2019)
Imperial College
Birmingham (12 April 2019)
IET Birmingham
London (19 September 2018)
Imperial College
Scotland (20 April 2018)
University of Edinburgh
London (15 September 2017)
Imperial College
Sheffield (20 April 2017)
Sheffield University
London (8 September 2016)
Imperial College
West (8 April 2016)
University of Bristol
London (10 September 2015)
Imperial College
Manchester (27 March 2015)
University of Manchester
London (18 September 2014)
Imperial College
London (12 September 2013)
University College London
University College London