Click here for a selection of photos for this year’s fantastic event in Bristol.
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We are delighted to welcome you to Future of Design West 2016, a full-day conference and dinner in Bristol aimed at promoting design and inspiring future generations. This is the ninth Future of Design Conference organised by the International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE) British Group.
[testimonial author=”Antony Oliver, Infrastructure Intelligence”]“Inspiring, eye-opening, challenging and hugely rewarding. Engineering and architecture superstar speakers talking about mind blowing projects…a must attend for all young engineers” (See full article)[/testimonial]
Registration for the conference will start at 08:30 and is expected to finish at approximately 18:00. Following this, guests are welcome to join their fellow delegates and speakers for a drinks reception beginning at 18:30 and an evening dinner beginning at 19:30, both taking place at the Goldney Hall Orangery in Clifton.
[one_half][separator headline=”h2″ title=” Speakers”]
This event is a unique platform for networking and to be inspired by the leading figures in the design world. It will include presentations on current cutting edge designs as well as discussions about the future challenges of our profession. Click here for more info.
[one_half_last][separator headline=”h2″ title=” Young Designers”]
Young designers (35 years or less) are encouraged to submit a one-page paper of their innovative work for presentation during the conference. A prize for best presentation will be awarded to the young participants. Click here for more info (the submission period has now passed).
[one_half][separator headline=”h2″ title=” Location”]
The conference will take place in the Queen’s Building at the University of Bristol. The evening dinner will be hosted at the beautiful Goldney Hall Orangery in Clifton. Click here for more info.
[one_half_last][separator headline=”h2″ title=” Contact Us”]
Please contact us by e-mail at if you would like more information on Future of Design West 2016. Follow us on twitter for the latest updates @FodWest.
[one_half][separator headline=”h2″ title=” Tickets”]
Tickets still available!
Click here to order.
[one_half_last][separator headline=”h2″ title=”Programme”]
Future of Design West 2016 Programme
*Note that the programme is subject to last minute alterations. A printed copy will also be provided on the day.
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[separator headline=”h2″ title=” Organising Committee”]
- Eleanor Davies, Buro Happold
- Richard Hollamby, Flint & Neill
- Elpida Katsiveli, University of Bristol
- Dragos Naicu, University of Bath
- Katerina Vatti, Hydrock
- Natasha Watson, Buro Happold
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[separator headline=”h2″ title=” Sponsors”]
- Buro Happold
- Hydrock
- Mott MacDonald
- Tony Gee
- WSP/Parsons Brinckerhoff