Nominations are now open for the IABSE British Group Milne Medal, which is awarded for excellence in structural design.
In 2003 the British Group of IABSE launched an award for engineering excellence in structural design, named the Milne Medal, after Bob Milne who was a long serving secretary to the group. The intention of the award is to identify leading structural designers in the profession at the heart of their career and to raise the profile of structural engineering design in general. The award is for an individual designer as opposed to a team.
Candidates must be chartered members of a British engineering institution. The main purpose of the award is to identify and recognise excellence among engineers actively involved in structural design. The Milne Medal will only be awarded once to an individual.
Stage 1
Nominations for candidates should be received by the chair of the IABSE British Group ( by the 1st June 2024. Third party nominations, self-nominations and nominations from the executive committee will all be acceptable.
The nomination should consist of a short letter (no more than one side of A4) outlining the reasons (i.e. key projects, design influence) why the candidate should be considered for the award.
The Awards sub-group of the IABSE British Group executive committee will create a shortlist of three to four names and invite the shortlisted candidates to submit for stage 2.
Details of nominated candidates who are not shortlisted this year will be retained by the IABSE British Group and will be considered for shortlisting over the following three years.
Stage 2
Shortlisted candidates will submit a short report giving a brief career summary and details of between three and five recent structural schemes in which they have had a significant design role. These structures must have been designed or constructed within eight years prior to 1st July 2024.
The award is for a designer not an organisation, and the judges are looking for evidence of the significant personal involvement of the candidate in each of the projects.
The winner will be expected to deliver the Milne Medal Lecture. The title and content of the lecture is at the winner’s discretion but should reflect the winner’s work for which the award has been given.
The lecture is normally an evening event of approximately 60 minutes held at the Institution of Structural Engineers in London and is usually very well attended. It is normally followed by a dinner held nearby.
The scheduled date for the lecture this year is Thursday 14th November 2024.
The presentation of the award will be made in association with the lecture.