IABSE British Group is planning to launch a new activity to strengthen the links between industrial experts and Universities. The idea is to offer final year projects to Civil Engineering students which will be co-supervised by Industrial Experts. Numerical, Analytical or Experimental projects on emerging fields in the area of Structural and Bridge Engineering will be considered. The projects will be offered either at Undergraduate or Postgraduate level (depending on the requirements and subject to confirmation and University approval) and, if the projects will be selected by students and Academics, the industrial co-supervisor’s commitment is expected to be something like three meetings spread over the academic year.
If you are an industrial expert willing to participate to this exciting opportunity, please send the following details to Dr Andreas Lampropoulos (a.lampropoulos@brighton.ac.uk) by the 31st January 2021.
Title | ‘…’ |
Proposed by | Name, Company |
Preferred level | Undergraduate/Postgraduate |
Description | Description of the project (up to 200 words) |