The Journey to Success event in Manchester yesterday (16th October) was a great success; well done to the organisers and thank you to those who attended. I hope you found it worthwhile. This is something of a milestone for us as it is our first event in Manchester. There will be more there (look out for the Future of Design on 27th March next year) and elsewhere outside London.
The London Future of Design this year attracted a record number of delegates and was also very successful and much enjoyed by all. Photos from the event can be seen online here.
Talking about Journey to Success, we are trying a new version of this popular event this year, involving a smaller number of people in a sort of “speed dating” type of evening which promises to be a lot of fun. The date is 20th November. Details to be announced shortly here.
But coming up very soon is the visit to see the new Merchants Square bridge next Friday. There still some places available and it should be well worth the effort of going so be quick! Certainly anyone working in central or west London should be able to pop along without any difficulty. Click here and follow the Eventbrite link to register.
Then there is the Henderson Colloquium follow-up evening at the ICE on Monday 3rd November. This year our subject was the use (and abuse!) of digital tools. It was a very forward looking and stimulating discussion about all sorts of techniques and tools that can help to make us more efficient, faster and generally better at what we do. We all use computers, but do we rule them or do they rule us? Where are we going and what might we be able to do tomorrow that we are just experimenting with today? Check out this link and come along to the ICE to learn more. I highly recommend it.
I hope I will see you at one or all of those events. And there is more coming up so visit the web site regularly.
Finally, if you have any news about anything you think our members might like to hear about, please drop Ana (our newsletter editor) a line– I’m sure she would love to hear from you.
Kind regards
Ian Firth
Chairman, IABSE British Group